The Linde Green™ Option

Carbon-Free Argon

We produce our argon using 100% carbon-free energy. We are committed to making our business practices sustainable and promoting gas applications that are environmentally friendly. With the Linde Green designation, our customers can be confident that they are using argon we certify as produced with carbon-free energy. The ability to reduce their carbon footprint while using a reliable product is beneficial for both the customer and the environment.
Argon periodic table chemical symbol
Argon Basics

Linde's Argon is essential in many processes and is widely used across industries. Argon makes up only 0.94% of the Earth's atmosphere and yet is the third most abundant atmospheric gas. Atmospheric argon levels have gradually increased since the Earth was formed because radioactive potassium-40 turns into argon as it decays. Argon is obtained commercially by the distillation of liquid air. Linde Green™ Argon Product Sheet

White LED lighting on blue ceiling
Lower Carbon Footprint While Lighting the Way

The lighting and electronics industry uses Argon as a luminosity booster for various lighting applications like standard lighting, lighting design and low-energy light bulbs. A low-energy light bulb often contains argon gas and mercury. When it is switched on an electric discharge passes through the gas, generating UV light.

Additive manufaturing part and powder
High Quality, Lightweight Parts

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, uses Argon as a shielding gas to protect high-quality parts from contamination and oxidation during the printing process. The metal production industry also uses Argon as a shielding gas for welding, providing a protective envelope around the high-temperature process and protects the metal from oxygen and oxygenation. Argon is used in the casting industries, especially in the making of specialty alloys and manufacturing titanium.

Argon laser detail cutting
Zero-Carbon Protective Atmospheres

Heat-treating and welding are other industries able to use Argon to obtain clean surfaces, protecting pieces from contamination. Researchers use it in their work as an inert gas that leaves no residue, often used to create special atmospheres in lab analysis.  Moreover, other noble gas applications include serving as an excimer laser gas and for expanding spray foams.

Satellite repositioning with earth in the backgraound
In Space and On Earth

Space programs also use Argon as a propellant for repositioning satellites. The aviation production industry uses Argon because of its protective gas properties during welding and general production. Vehicle, truck and bus part manufacturers use Argon for welding, specifically when dealing with high-quality metals.

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