Market Growth to Satisfy Palettes

Ready to Taste Emerging Flavors

Maybe a sorghum grain bowl or a Middle Eastern-inspired breakfast hash, featuring chickpeas, ground lamb and roasted vegetables seasoned with coriander, cumin, and fennel is the next step to providing your customers what they desire. The possibilities seem endless.
Assortment of spices on spoons

Global tastes wake up to a world of flavor. Breakfast dishes, lunch convenience or inspired dinner entrees today may be frozen and ready to prepare in the home with a dash of global inspiration. Variety is gaining favor among a generation not content with the same boring plate. Linde in-line chilling and freezing systems using the heat removal power of liquid nitrogen or liquid carbon dioxide allowing processors to expand the current formulation reach.

Linde systems control damaging heat in handling and processing of the most delicate flavors. Spices, herbs, nuts, and seeds benefit from cryogenic liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide applications to remove heat in grinding, milling, freeze-drying, and pneumatic transfer to deliver the high-value flavor product as intended.

Alternative proteins

Your new product has unique quality attributes that Linde's gases may help maintain production and temperature control straight through to transportation. You're very aware it's no longer the standard fare. Meat products are being replaced with seitan and soy along with new options made from chickpeas, legumes, and fungi. Consumers are fishing for more protein-rich snacks including those fortified with sardines, kelp and other foods from the sea. The possibilities seem to be endless.

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