The Culmination of Science and Art


Linde has a number of proven systems to help the bottom line of your bakery operations. We produce and deliver cryogenic and atmosphere gas systems that allow adherence to demanding production schedules without compromising the taste and texture of your products. Precise temperature control is essential for proofing, dough mixing, product chilling & firming or fully frozen. Whether it's flour, sugar other ingredients, raw dough or a fully baked good - there's a Linde system to maintain your product quality.

Cryogenic Freezing and Chilling

CRYOLINE® in-line freezing and chilling systems for bakery production results in productivity gains and offers process line flexibility options. Freezing raw products to lock in freshness or finished products to extend shelf life and expand market reach are the Linde benefits.
Cryogenic freezing and chilling systems

Flour and Dry Ingredient Cooling

ACCU-CHILL® IC flour and dry ingredient cooling technology using injected cryogenic gas - either CO2 or liquid N2 - optimizes incoming ingredient temperature. Precisely controlled temperature of make-up components helps achieve the desired results that bakers demand. 
Ingredient cooling processes

Dough Mixer Injection Cooling

Bottom cryogen injection is a versatile, high-performance temperature control system designed especially for precise control of bakery ingredients during dough make-up and blending.
Dough make-up injection cooling

Modified Atmosphere Packaging

Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) gas mixtures of Linde gases. The industrial gas combinations at precise concentrations have been tested in our labs to extend shelf-life so that products are at their freshest for your customers.
More on MAP for baked goods

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