Meet the Demands for Cost Effective Pulp & Paper Plant Operations

Wastewater Treatment & Odor Control

Allowing the effluent treatment facility to run as efficiently as possible while meeting capacity demands and strict environmental regulations. Linde can help.
SOLVOX injector unit close up
Freshen Up Your Wastewater

Adding pure oxygen to your existing process can raise the level of dissolved oxygen enough to reduce or eliminate odors without further action. Even better, our systems help you manage peak demand and increase capacity while reducing Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions. Linde’s SOLVOX® system is a mechanical oxygenator that can dissolve as much as 82% of the high-purity oxygen into water. When you aerate with our system, you increase bio-treatment capacity, significantly lower VOC emissions, reduce foam formation, reduce electrical power usage, and allow for greater variations in biological oxygen demand (BOD). Linde's market-leading oxygen-enriched aeration technology addresses your site’s needs based on your unique issue. We’ll help you select an approach that delivers the desired impact. SOLVOX® inline injector system

3D rendering of the SOLVOX mobile unit
Mobile Oxygen Dissolution

Linde has also developed the SOLVOX® Mobile Oxygen System which offers a flexible way for effluent treatment streams using aeration processes. It can be used to bridge seasonal and production peaks or as a backup during maintenance. Its modular concept allows for flexible capacity management and it can be easily stored and installed again when needed. A single unit can oxygenate and mix approximately 39,000 to 53,000 gallons of wastewater aeration basin volume. SOLVOX® mobile oxygen system

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